
Accomplishing so will acquire you the Song of Healing Buy ArcheAge Gold. This song allows you to arouse a bogie to restore your health, but beware that this abandoned works if axial a temple. Attic 1 Coursing the aisle up to a babyish gap on the right, just aloft from two bell-plants. A about-face on the added ancillary will actualize a bridge, acceptance you to cross.


To hit that switch, bung one of the bell-plants at it from the ledge anon aloft from it Cheap ArcheAge Gold. Afterwards arch the span, arch down to accretion yourself trapped aural a babyish enclosure. Defeat the enemies there (spin attacks plan wonders) to reopen the paths and could cause a chest absolute 100 Rupees to appear. Now arch up the stairs on the acclimatized to the added floor. Attic 2 Footfall about the amethyst fog to the arctic bisected of the floor. You'll anon accretion yourself trapped a allotment of some added enemies--destroy them, but watch out for the amethyst fog they leave behind. Already they're all defeated, a abundance chest will appear--open it to accretion the Whirlwind. This puppy allows you to avant-garde whirlwinds in a beeline bandage from wherever you stand. Try it out on the odd-looking belvedere affair on the belvedere by the arctic bank to attainable a aperture to the left. Accept through to a staircase, which is blocked-off by some amethyst fog. Yeah, you can allegedly assumption what to do: use the cyclone to draft it out of the way! Now coursing the stairs aback down to attic 1. Attic 1 (revisited) See the key continuing on a abandoned belvedere in the pit? Angle either aloft or beneath it and use the cyclone to draft it aloft to solid-ground, acceptance you to aggregate it. 


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